Blessed Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi: Catholic Gentleman – Part 1

On October 21, 2001, an estimated 50,000 men, women and children defied threatening weather to crowd St. Peter’s Basilica and Square in Rome as Pope John Paul II declared as “blessed” Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi, the first beatified married couple of the Church. To the assembly, the Holy Father stated: “Maria and Luigi were … Read more

Why Saint Joseph is Overrated

Saint Joseph. A man above men and a model of fatherhood and masculinity. He’s certainly a saint for all ages, and he is no less revered in our own age as that perfect model of manly sacrifice and submission to the total will of God. His intercession is powerful and his example as a father … Read more

A Man’s Intellectual Journey to Catholicism

A man’s intellectual journey to Catholicism can be made in three fairly straightforward steps. Accompanied with the clarity of honest reason and the enlightenment of humble faith, the journey to Catholicism not only offers an intellectually satisfying destination, but it offers temporal and eternal contentment without doubt and (at the very least) a sound worldview that is … Read more

Into the Desert of Lent with Our Lord, and St. Joseph

I can imagine few places and few cultures where the transformation from Ordinary Time to Lent is as dramatic as in South Louisiana, for the latter part of Ordinary coincides with the season of Carnival. From Epiphany (January 6) until Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday, i.e., the day prior to Ash Wednesday), much of the population … Read more

Witness to the Faith: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

“In this trying time that our country is going through, we Catholics and especially we students, have a serious duty to fulfill: our self-formation.” “I urge you with all the strength of my soul to approach the Eucharistic Table as often as possible. Feed on this Bread of the Angels from which you will draw … Read more