The Year of Mercy for a Sinful Man like Me – Part 2

The previous post began with a look at the absolute anguish that is all too easy to see in our world. It is certainly a world far from God and in need of Mercy. For the Catholic Gentleman, this Holy Year of Mercy invites us to two things: to experience God’s Mercy, and to share … Read more

The Year of Mercy for a Sinful Man Like Me – Part 1

One must only look around at the world today to see the need for us to call upon God’s Mercy. We live in a world where Christianity is being attacked and ridiculed in favor of apathy and indifference, where the family is broken apart by addiction and dysfunction, where marriage is increasingly losing its original … Read more

Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity

Satan is real and, since the very beginning, has been out to disfigure and pervert the original beauty of God’s creation. Undeniably, human sexuality is under attack from every possible angle – sparing few victims. If you’re a man and you’ve never heard this candid and unequivocal talk by Christopher West, then you’re missing out on … Read more

ManHacks: Steak Doneness Guide

catholic gentleman manly steak doneness guide rare medium well finger test

It seems everyone knows how they want their steak. The only problem is, I can’t guarantee that it’ll turn out that way when I’m in charge of the BBQ. If you’re like me, you seem to end up at two extremes: too rare, or too well done. More often than not, erring on the side of … Read more

Manly LifeHacks – ManHacks

The original meaning of “hack” as a verb (to cut with rough or heavy blows) goes right back to the primordial roots of manhood and survival. Let’s go all the way back to the first man – we will call him Adam – and as the story goes, he has just committed THE original sin and … Read more