As Catholic Gentleman’s Guide is continuing to see traffic in our infant stages of existence, I’d like to engage you, the readers, by asking you to post your comments below in response to the following statement. Whether your words are witty, clever, serious, or profound, we’d like to hear what you have to say!
Please enjoy (and contribute to) the comments building up below and remember to stay tuned for more guides!
What would you say to this: You know you’re a Catholic Gentleman when…
~ The Catholic Gentleman's Guide
…You wouldn’t mind wearing Chrism scented cologne.
…You’ve admired the giant beards on your family’s Nativity Set figurines.
…You let another car merge in front of you in heavy traffic, even though they don’t have a Rosary hanging from their rear view mirror.
…You enjoy Sherlock Holmes, but you LOVE Father Brown!
…You have this picture in your wallet:

…Your family goals include having enough kids to take up an entire pew.
…You have a different rosary for every situation.
…You carry and pray the Holy Rosary.
…You put others before yourself, you live a disciplined life, you live courageously and speak truth compassionately, and you always try to grow in closer relationship with God.
…You tell the boys you will be late in joining them to watch game 7 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs because you didn’t make it to morning Mass and have to go to evening Mass instead.
…I’m picturing this…

Hope Lives Here
…You’ve inquired about incense at the tobacco shop for a fellow Catholic Gentleman on the occasion of his baptism anniversary.
…You’re the last one still praying in the pew during the last song of Mass.
…You played “church” at home and spent recesses at school by praying the Rosary beneath the bleachers!
…Your first grade teacher (it was a non-sectarian, private school) reminded you many years later that when entering her class as a five year-old student you customarily reached around the door frame – as if expecting to encounter a holy water font – and would genuflect in front of her desk…